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Euis Sartika
Department of Commerce Administration Bandung State Polytechnic
Abstract West Java in 2017 was the highest province with the highest number of unemployed people in Indonesia, amounting to 48 683.7 thousand people. This resulted in low income which triggered a low level of education and public health. Low education levels and high unemployment cause poverty. In this study information will be examined regarding what factors influence the unemployment rate in West Java for the period 2017. The various factors affecting Open Unemployment Warning include: population density, GRDP, Human Development Index (HDI), Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK), and Regional Minimum Wage (UMR). This study includes the location (spatial) element in modeling and taking the object of the location of cities / districts in West Java, because geographically the cities / districts in West Java are quite varied and the model formed illustrates the characteristics of each region in West Java. Analysis that accommodates location (spatial) aspects is Geographically Weighted Regression (local regression). Other analyzes used are descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis (global regression). Assumptions that must be met to model global regression, namely: normality of data, non-autocorrelation, homocedasticity, no multicollinearity, and the estimated parameters obtained are global in nature (Supranto, 2010). GWR regression analysis showed spatial heterogeneity (location). The dependent variable (Y) is the Open Unemployment Rate, the independent variables include: Population Density Level, GRDP, UMR), TPAK (Active Labor Participation Rate), and HDI (Human Development Index). The results showed that the unemployment model in West Java formed from the analysis of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) or local regression gave a coefficient of determination (R2) of 89.20%, meaning that 89.20% of the Open Unemployment Rate in West Java was influenced by variables Population Density Level, GRDP, UMR (Regional Minimum Wage), TPAK (Active Participation Work Rate), and HDI (Human Development Index). The remaining 11.80% is influenced by other factors. While multiple linear regression analysis (global regression) provides a coefficient of determination (R2) of 61.51% and the remaining 38.49% is influenced by other factors. The AIC (akaike information criterion) value of the gwr model is 89.730766 smaller than the global regression model that is equal to 98.791017. this shows that the local regression model (GWR) gives a smaller error value than the global regression model. in other words, the local regression model is relatively better than the global regression model. The independent variables that have a significant effect on the model vary for each local regression model. There are 27 different combinations of local regression models according to the number of cities / districts in West Java. Research output is a scientific article and unemployment model that can be used as a guide for relevant parties to take policy in order to reduce unemployment in West Java.
GWR regression, Unemployment, Determination Coefficient, AIC
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Nuri Fajrina Ramadhani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Abstract. Foods that are starting to have a high demand by consumers are food that not only have good appearance and taste, but also have a functional functions. One of Indonesian functional product is tumeric and tamarind extract, however, this product have low sensory reception. Dark chocolate is one of the functional foods that have a high sensory reception, these products can be combined to get functional food with good sensory reception, the author chose to made them into Belgian Praline. The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in the level of preference of Belgian Praline products with various concentrations of tumeric and tamarind filling. The study was conducted using the CRD (Complete Randomized Design) the number of treatments (t) was 3 with 2 repetitions (r). The procedures and formulas is done by prescribing the results of consultations with traditional panelists, consultation is carried out 3 times, making 3 basic formulas and procedures. ANOVA and Duncans test result show that the level of preference for the three research products showed different results. Products with the highest preverence level are products that containing 5% turmeric and tamarind extract in filling.
Functional Food, Tamarind, Tumeric
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Tukiran. Surbakti
Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety, BATAN,
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. No. 80 Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, 15310 Indonesia
Indonesia has three research reactors which already old. So it is necessary to design new reactor core which is a compact core design, MTR type, utilizing low enriched uranium molybdenum dispersion fuel of high density. Optimization of neutron fluxes in irradiation positions is of great concern in research reactor design. The general approach used at the MTR reactor core for neutron flux optimization in irradiation position is presented. The approach is essentially based upon a optimization of the core configuration combined with the improvement of fuel characteristics. This simulation study was conducted by employing the standard reactor physics simulation codes WIMSD-5B and BATAN-FUEL. The present study is to analyze the effect of core configuration with the safety control rods and neutronic parameter by calculation using diffusion code. The MTR core consists of 16 fuel elements and 4 control rods put in 5 x 5 position of grids plate and by loading reflector elements outside the core. The aim of this research is to get the optimal design such as the highest neutron fluxes at the central flux trap position and also at irradiation positions in the core. Fuel cycle length of this core also becomes a concern, it is not less than 20 days and this core can be operated safely at the power of 50 MW. The result of calculation showed that for the lowest loading of fuel namely 450 gram of U7Mo/Al fuel with D2O as a reflector would provide higher neutron flux in center irradiation position of the MTR core namely 1.072 x1015 n/cm2s. Fuel cycle length of this core will reach 21 days, it meets the acceptance criteria and it will require less negative reactivity of control rods for its safe operation at 50 MW compare to other density
Neutron flux, MTR reserach reactor , U7Mo/Al fuel, WIMSD-5B code , BATAN-FUEL code
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Nani Yuningsih
a)Jurusan Teknik Refrigerasi dan Tata Udara, Politeknik Negeri Bandung,
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir Kotak Pos 1234 Bandung 40012
b)Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir
Kotak Pos 1234 Bandung 40012
c)Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir
Kotak Pos 1234 Bandung 40012
In order to determine the value of Earth-s gravity acceleration, Physical pendulum experiment is preferred over simple pendulum experiment. Through the Physical Pendulum experiment, we measure the swing time and swing rod position. Using this data to the motion-s law, it can be determined equations involving constants that implicitly contain value of the Earths gravity acceleration as well as the moment of inertia with pivot point located at the center of mass. Independent variable of the equation is the distance of pivot point to center of mass and dependent variable is period of pendulum. Difficulties in solving equations are encountered because of a part of the equation involving independent variable in the different ranks. In order to make the equation be linear, dependent and independent variables is made into new emerging variables. Afterwards, with linear regression methods, the constants of these equations can be determined, and then we can calculate the value of Earths gravity acceleration and moment of inertia. The experiment results showed considerable significance when compared to the Earth gravity acceleration from the literature, as well as the value of moment inertia calculated by calculus. Comparison of these products showed satisfying results with a relative error value smaller than 5%.
Physical pendulum, earth-s gravity acceleration, moment of inertia, linear regression
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Ai Mahmudatussaadah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Abstract. Diversification of food processing based on Local Resources continues to be sustainable. Sweet potato is one of the local food commodities with quite high productivity but its utilization is still limited. Noodles can be said to be the 2nd staple food after rice. Noodles are generally made from flour. Purple sweet potato is very potential to be used as a substitute material in making noodles, because the carbohydrate, fiber, and antioxidant content are quite high. The purpose of this research was to develop wet noodle products with substitute purple sweet potato flour with a concentration of 20%, 30% and 40% and purple sweet potato puree with concentrations of 40%, 50%, and 60%. The method used in this research is experimental research complete random design 2 repetitions. The results showed that the best formulation of purple sweet potato flour substitution was 20% concentration with preference level more than 62%. The best formulation of puree purple sweet potato substitution was 50% concentration with product preference level more than 82%. So it can be concluded that the fresh noodles with puree of purple sweet potato substitution were more acceptable than substitution with flour of purple sweet potato.
fresh noodle, Ipomoea batatas L, purple sweet potato
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Ratu Fenny Muldiani
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga 40012 Bandung Indonesia
The results of Charles Gay-Lussacs law experimental tools at Polban Applied Physics Laboratory show the pressure value of 1.027 x 10^5 Pa with relative uncertainty value of 11.1% and the number of moles in a flask of 12.47 mmole with relative uncertainty value of 24.3%. The experimental data has relatively low accuracy. In this study, Charless Law experimental tools were optimized by a measured temperature correction on the capillary pipe using the conduction concept. The heat distribution equation that occurs in capillary pipe was solved by numerical solutions using the finite difference method. The modification of Gay-Lussac-s Law experimental tools to get fixed volume was located on the manometer integrated with a glass flask. Data collection techniques were carried out in two different circumstances, namely when the system is experiencing heating and cooling, then compared. After temperature correction, it was obtained that pressure value 0.977 x 10^5 Pa with relative uncertainty of 5.7%. After using integrated manometer and data collection techniques when cooling, the number of moles in the flask was 21.5 mmole with relative uncertainty value of 6.2%. With the correction of temperature in the capillary pipe and the volume maintained provides more accurate experimental results.
Laboratory Experimental, Gay-Lussac-s Law, Charles-s Law, Temperature Correction, Integrated Manometer
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Isna Yuliastuti
1. Department of Mathematics Education, Postgraduate Program, University of Jambi, Indonesia
2. Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia
This study aims to describe the ability of teachers to implement realistic mathematic approach (RMA) learning in Public Middle School Jambi City. This research uses a qualitative paradigm. The subjects of this study were Mathematics teachers in Jambi City who were members of the Mathematics Subjects (MGMP) group of 25 teachers. Data collection is done through documentation and interview techniques. Data analysis was carried out on the learning implementation plan that had been developed by the teacher. Based on the data obtained, it is known that 19 teachers or around 76% have not implemented RMA, and 6 teachers 24% have implemented RMA in schools. In addition, it is also known that 2 teachers (33%) are able to develop learning plans with the RMA approach with the category of "good", 3 teachers (50%) have abilities in the "medium" category and 1 teacher (16%) with the category "low". Therefore, training/workshops need to be carried out to improve the ability of teachers in implementing RMA learning in schools.
Teachers ability, realistic mathematic approach (RMA), lesson plan
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Hedi Hedi
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Geger kalong Hilir, Ciwaruga
Bandung 40559, Indonesia
The body fat content if can be predicted high or low, can be used as a reference to see the level of health. The higher the fat content, the greater the risk of various diseases. In this paper will propose modeling fat content that depends on 13 input variable are age, weight, height, neck, chest, abdomen, hip, thigh, knee, ankle, biceps, forearm, and wrist, The problem faced in this model is that between variables are correlated (multicollinearity). The objective of this paper is determine a fit model for predicted body fat percentage estimates.To overcome these problems applied method of principal component regression (PCR) and partial least square regression (PLSR). By applying the akaike-s information criterion (AIC), mean square error (MSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), the PLSR model was the method of choice for modeling body fat percentage estimates.
Body fat, Modeling, Multicollinearity, PCR, PLSR
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Corresponding Author
Sukarno Sukarno
Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
This study aims to improve the pedagogical abilities of prospective Physics teacher students through a learning model. The Explaining-Doing-Implementing (EDI) learning model is one of the art models in developing student pedagogical abilities. The implementation of the EDI model for prospective students of physics shows that pedagogical abilities have increased. The intended pedagogical ability includes the ability of prospective physics students in determining Learning Indicators, Learning Objectives, Learning Materials, Learning Methods, Learning Media, Learning Steps, Determining Learning Resources, Scientific Content, and Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Based on the data that has been obtained and the analysis that has been done, at the end of this paper, it can be concluded that the EDI learning model has good quality. This is based on the results of expert validation (EV), student validation (SV). Besides that, the actual implementation of the EDI model was also able to improve the pedagogical abilities of prospective physics teacher students, which in general was in the "high" category.
EDI model, pedagogy, Physic prospective teacher
Basic Science in Engineering Education
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